Anamorphosis is a branch of the technique of Perspective. The real masters of it used it mostly during the Baroque period of art in Italy and France. Its an art form that is very theatrical and is often used today in theatre set design or in trompe l'oeil murals. for examples see...http://www.romeartlover.it/Ceiling.html There you will see amazing renderings of this art form mostly used on the ceilings of churches.
Holbien used this process very mysteriously in one of his paintings "The Ambassadors" http://www.nwe.ufl.edu/~tharpold/resources/holbein/... where he unusually paints what appears to be a smudge across the bottom of the painting and it turns out to be a skull. A memento mori ..a reminder of the presence of death despite the wealth, good fortune and great learning indicated in the portrait through symbols.
A good modern example can be seen in the work of Eric Grohe..... http://www.ericgrohemurals.com/ He uses tromp l'oeil effect to create works that pierce their surroundings and punch a hole right through the wall to create a dramatic and celebratory presentation. This is used
Holbien used this process very mysteriously in one of his paintings "The Ambassadors" http://www.nwe.ufl.edu/~tharpold/resources/holbein/... where he unusually paints what appears to be a smudge across the bottom of the painting and it turns out to be a skull. A memento mori ..a reminder of the presence of death despite the wealth, good fortune and great learning indicated in the portrait through symbols.
A good modern example can be seen in the work of Eric Grohe..... http://www.ericgrohemurals.com/ He uses tromp l'oeil effect to create works that pierce their surroundings and punch a hole right through the wall to create a dramatic and celebratory presentation. This is used
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